Bearings & Seals

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Drive Pulley Bearing
Drive pulley centre bearing for all Microcars         ..
Front Crankshaft Oil Seal
Front Wheel Bearing
Front wheel bearing for Microcar MC1 Microcar MC2             ..
Rear Wheel Bearing
Single rear wheel bearing for MC2 from VIN No.800314 and M.Go ..
Rear Wheel Bearing Kit - Virgo/MC1/Early MC2
Wear Peg
Rear Pulley (Driven Pulley) ..
Wear Washer Inner - Lower Bearing
Wear Washer Inner - Front Pulley (Driving Pulley) ..
Wear Washer Outer -  Upper Bush
Wear Washer Outer - Front Pulley (Driving Pulley) ..
Rear Brake Seal Kit V2-MC-2
Rear Brake Seal Kit for MC2 from VIN No. 300814 , for the later type caliper ..
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